Pro tect the de vi ce from vi brat ions, dust, moi stu re and heat, and only
trans port the de vi ce in its ori gi nal pa cka ging (to pro tect it against im pact
and blows).
Take care to en su re that no fo reign ob jects (e.g. pa per clips) or
li quids can get into the in si de of the de vi ce, as this could cau se
elec tri cal shocks or short cir cuits.
In case of emer gen cies (e.g. da ma ged hou sing, li quid or fo reign ob jects
get ting into the de vi ce), the de vi ce should be swit ched off im me di ate ly,
the mains plug of the BEET LE or PC should be re mo ved, and the Win cor
Nix dorf cus to mer ser vi ce should be con tac ted.
If the LCD dis play ele ment is bro ken and the li quid crys tal so lu ti on
le aks out of the dis play and onto your hands, clot hing etc, wash your hands
or clot hing im me di ate ly with soap or al co hol, hol ding them
un der run ning wa ter for at least 15 mi nu tes.
If the li quid co mes into con tact with your eyes, plea se con sult a doc tor
im me di ate ly.
Ge ne ral ly you should con nect IT-de vi ces only to po wer supp ly sys tems with
se pa ra te ly gui ded pro tec ti ve earth con duc tor (PE), known as TN-S
net works. Do not use PEN con duc tors! Plea se also ob ser ve the
re com men da tions of the norm DIN VDE 0100, part 540, Ap pen dix C2, as
well as EN50174-2, §5.4.3.
Instructions for Maintenance
Cle an your BA72A-2 regularly with an ap pro pria te sur fa ce clea ning pro duct.
Make sure that the de vi ce is swit ched off, con nec tor ca bles are un plug ged
and that no moi stu re is al lo wed to get into the in si de of the de vi ce.
Plea se ob ser ve the main ten an ce and clea ning in struc tions for each of the
BA72A-2 components. The se in struc tions can be found in their re spec ti ve
chap ters.
Wincor Nixdorf guarantees generally a warranty engagement for 12 months
beginning with the date of delivery. This warranty engagement covers all
those damages which occur despite a normal use of the product.