You can ad just the
bright ness
and the
loud ness
with the thumb wheels
lo ca ted down to the right of the front of the screen.
Clea ning In struc tions
Al ways
turn off the sys tem
be fo re clea ning.
The glass sur fa ce of your Touch Screen should be clea ned with a mild,
abrasive free, com mer ci al ly avai la ble glass clea ning pro duct. All pH neut ral
ma ter ials (pH 6 to 8) are good for clea ning. Clea ners with pH va lu es 9 to 10
are not re com men ded. Clea ning with wa ter and iso pro pyl al co hol is pos si ble
as well. Do not use sol vents con tai ning ace tic acid. Use a soft, fine-mes hed
cloth to cle an the sur fa ce. Dam pen the cloth slight ly and then cle an the
A wrong main ten an ce may cau se da ma ges to the screen, which are not
covered by guarantee or warranty.