10. Slowly reduce power take-off speed to a minimum and
disengage the power take-off. Some tractors have a
brake on the power take-off that stops the shaft in-
stantly. Stopping the alternator rotor instantly from rated
speed may result in a broken shaft or other drive line
WARNING: Personal Injury
Never try to manually stop the generator. Always let it coast
until it stops
11. Shut off the engine.
12. Disconnect drive shaft (tumbling bar)
power take-off end first, then generator end.
13. Exercise PTO alternator for one hour under load at least
twice a year.
If the generator is mounted on an off-high-
way trailer, such as the Winco trailer, it
should be stored in a garage, barn or ma-
chine shed in a dry and clean location. The
generator should be covered with a tarpaulin
to prevent the entrance of dust, chaff, and/or
The generator may be stored on end,
provided the generator is on a clean, dry el-
evated surface such as a board. Do not have
it resting on a dirt surface. (Figure 3)
A. Check the generator gear case oil level before each use
of the generator. See Figure 4. Maintain the oil level before
each use of the generator. Maintain the oil level at oil level plug
height. The generator is shipped with lubricant in the gear case.
Specifications for gear case lubricant are: API Service: GL-5 EP
Rated, Grade: SAE 85W-90-140, Amount: 1 pint. The following
kinds of oil are recommended for use in the generator gear case:
Mobil SAE 85W90-140 API Service GL-5
Sunoco/DX XL80W90-140
Kendal Three Star 85W-140
Amoco 85W140 or equivalent
CAUTION: Equipment Damage
Do not overfill generator gear case. Overfilling causes overheat
ing and oil seal failure.
B. The generator bearings are factory lubricated and sealed,
and require no further lubrication.
C. The splined generator input shaft should be cleaned and
lubricated with a thin film of grease before and after each use of
the generator. See Figure 6 for lubrication schedule.
D. The drive shaft (tumbling bar) requires greasing. Keep the
universal joints in the coupling shaft free from grease and dirt
NOTE: Do not over lubricate
the universal joints.
A. Inspect for loose or broken wiring connections. Make sure
that wiring connections are not loose at the generator end, circuit
breakers, and receptacles.
B. Do not allow dirt or chaff to collect in the interior of the
generator or the ventilation openings. Inspect for indication of
the entrance of mice or insects into the generator. The inlet and
outlet openings are louvered, but possible damage to the louvers
could occur. Mice can destroy the generator winding.
WARNING: Equipment Damage
Page 7
Figure 6
If the generator is mounted on an off-highway
trailer, such as the Winco trailer, it should be
stored in a garage, barn or machine shed in a
dry and clean location. The generator should
be covered with a tarpaulin to prevent the
entrance of dust, chaff, and/or moisture.
The generator may be stored on end, provided
the generator is on a clean, dry elevated
surface such as a board. Do not have it resting
on a dirt surface. (Figure 3)
1. Check the generator gear case oil level before each use of
the generator. See Figure 4. Maintain the oil level before
each use of the generator. Maintain the oil level at oil level
plug height. The generator is shipped with lubricant in the
gear case. Specifications for gear case lubricant are: API
Service: GL-5 EP Rated, Grade: SAE 85W-90-140,
Amount: 1 pint. The following kinds of oil are recom-
mended for use in the generator gear case:
Mobil SAE 85W90-140 API Service GL-5
Sunoco/DX XL80W90-140
Kendal Three Star 85W-140
Amoco 85W140 or equivalent
CAUTION: Equipment Damage
Do not overfill generator gear case. Overfilling causes
overheating and oil seal failure.
2. The generator bearings are factory lubricated and sealed,
and require no further lubrication.
3. The splined generator input shaft should be cleaned and
lubricated with a thin film of grease before and after each
use of the generator. See Figure 6 for lubrication sched-
4. The drive shaft (tumbling bar) requires greasing. Keep the
universal joints in the coupling shaft free from grease and
dirt buildup.
NOTE: Do not over lubricate
the universal joints.
1. Inspect for loose or broken wiring connections. Make sure
that wiring connections are not loose at the generator end,
circuit breakers, and receptacles.
2. Do not allow dirt or chaff to collect in the interior of the
generator or the ventilation openings. Inspect for indica-
tion of the entrance of mice or insects into the generator.
The inlet and outlet openings are louvered, but possible
damage to the louvers could occur. Mice can destroy the
generator winding.
WARNING: Equipment Damage
CAUTION: Equipment Damage
Most electrical equipment in North America operates
satisfactorily at frequencies between 59 and 61 Hz (cycles
per second). Operating the generator at frequencies
outside that range may cause damage to the generator
and/or to electrical equipment driven by the generator.
Page 7
Figure 6
If the generator is mounted on an off-highway
trailer, such as the Winco trailer, it should be
stored in a garage, barn or machine shed in a
dry and clean location. The generator should
be covered with a tarpaulin to prevent the
entrance of dust, chaff, and/or moisture.
The generator may be stored on end, provided
the generator is on a clean, dry elevated
surface such as a board. Do not have it resting
on a dirt surface. (Figure 3)
1. Check the generator gear case oil level before each use of
the generator. See Figure 4. Maintain the oil level before
each use of the generator. Maintain the oil level at oil level
plug height. The generator is shipped with lubricant in the
gear case. Specifications for gear case lubricant are: API
Service: GL-5 EP Rated, Grade: SAE 85W-90-140,
Amount: 1 pint. The following kinds of oil are recom-
mended for use in the generator gear case:
Mobil SAE 85W90-140 API Service GL-5
Sunoco/DX XL80W90-140
Kendal Three Star 85W-140
Amoco 85W140 or equivalent
CAUTION: Equipment Damage
Do not overfill generator gear case. Overfilling causes
overheating and oil seal failure.
2. The generator bearings are factory lubricated and sealed,
and require no further lubrication.
3. The splined generator input shaft should be cleaned and
lubricated with a thin film of grease before and after each
use of the generator. See Figure 6 for lubrication sched-
4. The drive shaft (tumbling bar) requires greasing. Keep the
universal joints in the coupling shaft free from grease and
dirt buildup.
NOTE: Do not over lubricate
the universal joints.
1. Inspect for loose or broken wiring connections. Make sure
that wiring connections are not loose at the generator end,
circuit breakers, and receptacles.
2. Do not allow dirt or chaff to collect in the interior of the
generator or the ventilation openings. Inspect for indica-
tion of the entrance of mice or insects into the generator.
The inlet and outlet openings are louvered, but possible
damage to the louvers could occur. Mice can destroy the
generator winding.
WARNING: Equipment Damage
CAUTION: Equipment Damage
Most electrical equipment in North America operates
satisfactorily at frequencies between 59 and 61 Hz (cycles
per second). Operating the generator at frequencies
outside that range may cause damage to the generator
and/or to electrical equipment driven by the generator.