© by WilTec Wildanger Technik GmbH
Item 61897, 61898
Seite 5
05 2021
Frequently asked questions
Question: What is an ozone alert?
Answer: Ozone alerts in cities are a result of the high pollution levels of hydrocarbons produced
by burning of fossil fuels, when ultraviolet rays from the sun strike hydrocarbons. O
(ozone) is
one of the by-products of this reac
tion. Ozone or activated oxygen is nature’s disinfectant and
is produced by it in order to combat air pollution. The more polluted the city is, the more ozone
will be found in the air.
Question: Is ozone safe?
Answer: Yes, but moderation is the key. Very high concentrations of ozone are not necessary
and can even cause irritations.
Question: Where should I place the ozone generator in my home or office?
Answer: The ozone generator should be placed in a central location of your home, preferably a
big open area, such as a living or dining room. Be aware that it was not designed for single room
use. We recommend placing the device at least 120 cm off the ground or higher in order to
improve its performance.
Question: How long will the ozone generator last?
Answer: This ozone generator is made of high-quality materials and was designed after the
latest scientific standards. Because of the high-quality materials and superior craftsmanship you
are sure to enjoy it for many years if it is properly maintained.
Question: Is the device difficult to install?
Answer: No, just plug it in and set the timer to the time you want the generator to work. For even
quicker results, you can also consider placing the unit high up facing an air intake if your home
features an air conditioning/heating system. This will lead to O
being evenly distributed.
Question: What does the ozone generator do?
Answer: It purifies the air in your home or office by breaking down odour causing pollutants,
killing viruses, bacteria, mould, and mildew as well as removing airborne contaminants (smoke,
dust, pet dander, pollen) from your breathing space.
Question: How does the ozone generator work?
1. Before using the unit, please make sure there is no person or animal in the room.
2. Plug the unit in, the indicator light will automatically turn on.
3. Turn the timer clockwise to set the working duration in accordance with your needs. The
time range can thereby be set anywhere between 5 and 120 min.
Question: How does nature produce ozone?
Answer: Ozone is found everywhere outdoors. It is naturally created every day by sunshine,
thunderstorms, lightning, and other natural events. The fresh, sweet smell after a thunderstorm
is abundance of ozone in the air, equalling the freshness of rain, waterfalls, and the ocean