Infrared Listening System
MAN 133D
TX9 Emitter Set-up
1. Determine the coverage area needed for the seating area. When using the RX22-4 receiver, one TX9 will cover an area of
28,000 sq. ft. (2,600 sq. m.) in single channel mode. In two-channel mode, one TX9 will cover an area of approximately 18,000
sq. ft. (1,700 sq. m.). In four-channel mode, the coverage area is approx. 11,000 sq. ft. (1,000 sq. m.). Coverage area will vary
depending on the sensitivity of the infrared receiver being used. See coverage drawings in the manual (MAN 132). To determine
how many TX9 emitters are required for 100% coverage of the listening area, we recommend performing a site test.
2. Determine placement and location for the TX9. Ideally, the emitter should be located high enough so not to interfere with people
or other obstructions. Mount the emitter at least 2 ft. (.61 m) above the audience. The TX9 may need to be angled slightly
downward to maximize the coverage area. Wall and ceiling mount brackets are available for permanent installation of the TX9.
Emitter stands are available for portable applications.
3. Connect the power supply to the 3-pin Molex connector located in the back of the TX9. When power is supplied to the TX9
emitter, a green LED indicator will be visible underneath the unit. When the baseband is activated, a red LED indicator will be
visible underneath the unit.
4. Connect the baseband cable to the “Baseband Out” jack in the rear of the MOD 232, then connect the cable to the “Baseband
Input” jack in the rear of the TX9 emitter. Additional TX9 emitters can be linked together as needed for coverage. See Figure 1.
RX22-4 Receiver Set-up
The RX22-4 comes standard with 2 AA alkaline batteries.
1. Plug in an earphone or headphone in the jack on top of the unit.
2. Rotate the receiver on/off/volume switch to turn the receiver on. A red “on” indicator
will illuminate on top of the unit. Adjust the volume control to a comfortable listening
3. Turn the channel selector knob on the top of the unit to select from 2.3 MHz (Ch. 1),
2.8 MHz (Ch. 2), 3.3 MHz (Ch. 3), or 3.8 MHz (Ch. 4).
4. The RX22-4 can be tested by holding it up to the infrared emitter labeled “IR” on the
front of the MOD 232 Modulator.
NOTE: Make sure the “SoundPlus® IR” artwork is facing the TX9 emitter (Figure
2). The front of the RX22-4 should not be covered; do not place the receiver
in pants or shirt pocket. Do not obstruct the light path between the RX22-4
Receiver and the TX9 emitter or the unit will not function properly. See manual
for additional receiver instructions (MAN 132).
Quick Set-up Trouble Shooting
• Is the sound system on and audio source active?
• Are the power cables for the Emitter and Modulator secured and plugged in?
• Are the power switches for the Modulator and Receiver in the “On” position?
• Are the “On” LED indicators visible on the Emitter, Modulator and Receiver?
• Are the baseband cables connected to the correct input/output jack?
• Is the baseband LED “On” indicator illuminated underneath the Emitter?
• Are the correct frequencies selected on the Modulator?
• Are there obstructions between the Emitter signal and the Receiver?
• Are the batteries in the Receiver installed and working?
RX22-4 TOP
RX22-4 TOP
Figure 2: RX22-4 Top and Front