Hinging is a very simple matter. We recommend that you hinge all the control surfaces in
two steps allowing the glue to dry between steps.
These photos show our 35% Extra, but
the technique is identical.
There’s an important
note about hinging the
ailerons at the end of
this section.
Before you start gluing
anything, test fit each
control surface. Aileron
to wing, elevator to sta-
bilizer, rudder to fin/
fuse, with the hinges in
place. Make sure the
hinges go in the holes
smoothly and that there
is ample room for the
hinge “knuckle” so
there is no large gap
between surfaces. The
hinge lines are beveled.
The point of the bevel
should be at the center of the hinge pin, this as-
sures that the hinges are aligned and centered
on the hinge line.
Once you are certain that they all go together
smoothly, take one surface and remove the
hinges. Glue the hinges into the holes securely
using the glue you prefer. Many people prefer
epoxy for this, I have had good success with
Pro-bond polyurethane (not the pro-bond yel-
low furniture glue) because when drying it
foams up slightly and fills the gaps between the
hinge and the mounting hole. Check hinge op-
Step 3.
Hinging the control surfaces
28% Edge 540T Assembly Manual