Differential Pressure Balance / Differenzdruck-Kolbenmanometer
CPB 5000 DP
WIKA Operating Instructions Differential Pressure Balance Version 1.0
3.1 Preparation – static line pressure
First Step is to apply the line pressure.
Note, that the line pressure can be a lot higher than the differential pressure (for
example 2 bar differential at 50 bar line pressure). Therefore a smooth and even
pressure increasement is very important. Otherwise the device under test can
be destroyed.
Via the Bypass-valve, a shortcut between the two pressure-systems can be generated. So both ports
change with the same pressure-rate.
The use of each system is comparable to the common basic version. Therefore also
see that manual for further descriptions about handling.
Load the differential piston with the required masses (for static line pressure)
Load the static piston with the required masses (for static line pressure)
Use the valves to set the pressure
For fine adjustment use the spindle pump
Now, both systems should be in floating position
If both systems float and spin, the device under test is applied to a zero pressure (Note, but each port
has an additional line pressure!)
The sink rate of the two systems should be comparable.
Otherwise add some trim-masses at the static piston
3.2 Calibration of the differential pressure
After setting of line pressure, the differential pressure can be added to the system.
Now the two pressure systems, are seperated; therefore:
Load masses for differential pressure on diff-piston (included line pressure)
Use the valves to set new pressure
Verify free spinning of static piston and if necessary, adapt with spindle pump
As soon as both systems are floating, the pressure value at the device under test is stable and can be
3.3 End of calibration
After the calibration, check the zero-pressure (differential).
Open the bypass-valve
Both pressure ports are in balance again
Vent the systems with the outlet-valve
Because of the shortcut between, the two systems (via bypass-valve) both ports change with same
pressure rate now
If the pressure decreasement is unequal, the test specimen could be destroyed.