WIENER, Plein & Baus GmbH
The CC-USB is a full-featured CAMAC Crate controller with integrated high speed USB
interface. It supports Master and Slave operations with full CAMAC arbitration; as a master
it accepts slaves. The CC-USB is FASTCAMAC compliant. The CC-USB internal FPGA
can be programmed to operate as command sequencer with data buffering in a 22kB size
FiFo. Combined with the front panel I/O ports this allows CAMAC operation and data taking
without any PC or USB activity.
All CC-USB logic is controlled by the XILINX Spartan 3 family FPGA. Upon power-up the
FPGA boots from a flash memory. The configuration flash memory can be reprogrammed
via the USB port, allowing convenient updates of the firmware. The integrated CAMAC
dataway display as well as additional LED’s for the controller / USB provide all necessary
system information.
1.1 CC-USB Features
high speed USB2 interface, auto-selecting USB2/USB1
3 user-programmable NIM inputs (with LEMO connectors)
3 user-programmable NIM outputs (with LEMO connectors)
Visual data and status display with 54 red, green, and yellow LEDs (N, F, A, R / W
Data, Q, X, C, Z)
user definable / host-controlled readout modes
Readout triggered either via USB link, or by a programmable combination of LAMs,
or by a start signal applied to a (programmable) NIM input
22-kByte of pipelined data buffer (FIFO) with programmable level of transfer trigger
FASTCAMAC level 1 compatible
1.2 Read-out Modes
Single word transfer (16- or 24- bit)
Q-stop (repeated readout of the same A and N until Q=0 is returned)
Q-scan (repeated readout with A and N increment until Q=0 is returned)
Autonomous (intelligent) readout pursuant to user-programmed stack, 1k of 16-bit
stack memory
conditional readout gated by 16-bit hit register (quadruple OR of 16-fold ANDs of hit
bits and programmable mask bits)
optional (slot-by-slot) wait-for-LAM with programmable LAM timeout
optional (slot-by-slot) skipping of S2 strobe (500ns cycles)
stack supports Q-stop and address-scan mode entries
stack supports FASTCAMAC mode entries
optional readout of subaddresses identified in a previously fetched address pattern