WiFi Module
Wieland Electric GmbH | BA000917 | 01/2019 (Rev. B)
WEP Key Type
Type of WEP key for WEP encryption.
ASCII – WEP key in ASCII format
HEX – WEP key in hexadecimal format
WEP Default Key This item specifies the default WEP key.
Items for different 4 WEP keys.
WEP key in ASCII format must be entered in quotes. This key can be
specified in the following lengths.
5 ASCII characters (40b WEP key)
13 ASCII characters (104b WEP key)
16 ASCII characters (128b WEP key)
WEP key in hexadecimal format must entered only in hexadecimal
digits. This key can be specified in the following lengths.
10 hexadecimal digits (40b WEP key)
26 hexadecimal digits (104b WEP key)
32 hexadecimal digits (128b WEP key)
WPA PSK Type Type of key for WPA-PSK authentication.
256-bit secret
ASCII passphrase
PSK File
Key for WPA-PSK authentication. This key must be entered according
to the selected WPA PSK type as follows.
256-bit secret – 64 hexadecimal digits
ASCII passphrase – 8 to 63 characters; then these characters are
converted to PSK.
PSK File – absolute path to the file containing the list of pairs (PSK
key, MAC address)
Access List
Mode of Access/Deny list.
Disabled – Accept/Denny list is not used.
Accept – Clients in Accept/Denny list access to the network.
Deny – Clients in Access/Denny list do not access to the network.
Accept/Deny List Accept or Denny list of client MAC addresses that set network access.
Each MAC address is separated by a new line.
Syslog Level
Communicativeness level, when system writes to the system log.
Verbose debugging – The highest level of communicativeness.
Informational – Default level of communicativeness that is used for
writing standard events.
Warning – The lowest level of communicativeness.