Chapter 5
23.07.14 Working
instructions WIDOS WELD IT 315 Steel
Page 22 of 45
5.2. Welding
T h e r e s p e c t i v e l y v a l i d w e l d i n g p r e s c r i p t i o n s ( I S O / C E N / D V S . . . ) a r e t o b e
b a s i c a l l y f o l l o w e d .
There is the danger of serious bruising.
On the one hand between the inner clamping tools, on the other hand
between the outer clamping tool and the end of the guide bar.
Do wear safety gloves as a protection against burning!
A stop-watch should be available for recording the actual times for the heating and cooling.
In the same way a table should be available from which the parameters for the pipe
dimensions to be welded prescribed by the welding prescriptions may be taken from.
heating element surfaces are to be clean and, above all, free from grease.
Therefore they are to be cleaned with non-fraying paper and detergent (e.g. PE - cleaner)
before every welding or if they are dirty.
Take care that the anti-adhesive coating of the WI HEAT
heating element has to remain
undamaged in the working area.
Switch on the WI HEAT
heating element and adjust the required welding temperature at
the adjusting screw.
- The adjusted temperature is obtained when the control light is blinking.
Insert the reduction inserts into clamping rings, according to the outside diameter of the
pipes to be welded (chapter: 5.1.1).
Put the workpieces into the clamping ring lower parts. Close the upper parts and align the
workpieces with respect to one another. Then clamp the pipes with the clamping levers.
In case of long pipe ends, use WIDOS rollerstands for alignment.
Check the clamping lever (chapter: 4.1, no: 14) on the hydraulic aggregate if it is loose,
tighten it.
Close the workpieces with button <
>, thereby reading the
movement pressure
the manometer.
The movement pressure is displayed exactly when the slide with the clamped-pipe passes
over into its movement.
Subsequently, open slide with button <
> such that the planer fits therebetween.
Put the planer between the pipe ends, allow handle to lock into basic machine. Switch on
the on/off-switch (chapter: 4.4, no. 25).
There is the danger that the planer pulls in clothes, in case planer is switched
on it will run immediately.
Do not hold the planer on its front sides in any case.
Noise exceeding 80 dB (A) may occur; during planing it is obligatory to wear
ear protection!
Move the pipe ends towards one another with button <
> and plane same with a
planing pressure between 1 and 15 bar above the movement pressure.
Planing must be carried out until a revolving cutting has been formed on both sides.