FM systems
An FM system is an assistive listening device that can
be used as an accessory for the hearing aid. The FM sys-
tem makes it easier to understand speech in difficult
listening situations.
The FM system from Widex is called
SCOLA. The FM system consists of a
wireless microphone placed near the
speaker and a receiver clicked onto the
hearing aid via an FM shoe. The oper-
ating range is approx. 15 metres de-
pending on the surroundings. As the
system is wireless, both the listener
and the speaker have full freedom of
movement within the specified range.
The SCOLA FM system can be set according to your
needs. This may mean that the hearing aid program
button will work differently than when using an audio
For help to determine whether you could benefit from
an FM system, please consult your hearing care profes-
In case of malfunction
The following pages include some quick advice in case
you experience problems. Before contacting your hear-
ing care professional, please follow the advice below:
If the hearing aid is dead, it could be because:
The hearing aid is not turned on.
Make sure the battery
drawer is pushed all the way upwards and that the
word “OFF” is not visible on the switch.
The battery is dead or does not work.
Insert a new bat-
tery in the hearing aid.
The sound bore of the earmould is blocked.
Clean the
blocked sound bore as described on page 28.
If the hearing aid volume is not powerful enough, it
could be because:
The battery is nearly exhausted
. Insert a new battery in
the hearing aid.
The sound bore of the earmould is blocked.
Clean the
blocked sound bore as described on page 28.
Your ear is blocked by earwax
. Contact your physician/
ENT doctor.
Your hearing may have changed
. Contact your hear-
ing care professional.