The battery
Battery type
The recommended battery type for your Flash hearing
aid is:
Zinc Air battery type 312
To obtain replacement batteries, please consult your
hearing care professional . Please note the expiration
date and the recommendations regarding disposal of
used batteries on the battery pack . To ensure proper
battery function, do not use batteries past the expira-
tion date . Because they are Zinc Air type batteries, they
need air to work . Therefore, do not remove the adhe-
sive tab until just before inserting the battery in the
hearing aid . Once the tab has been removed, the bat-
tery will start functioning after a few seconds . The bat-
tery life will depend on a number of factors, such as the
setting of your hearing aid, how many hours you use it
daily and the listening environments in which you use
it .
Inserting the battery
Before inserting a new battery in
your hearing aid, remember to re-
move the adhesive tab . Do not use
batteries which there is a sticky resi-
due from the tab or other unwanted
substance .
When opening the battery compartment cover, be
careful not to force it beyond the upright position .
Place the battery in the battery compartment so that
the side of the battery with the small plus (+) sign is fac-
ing in the same direction as the plus (+) sign on the bat-
tery compartment cover .
If the battery compartment cover does not close easily,
the battery is incorrectly inserted .