In case of malfunction
Before contacting your hearing care professional,
please follow the advice below:
If the hearing aid is dead, it could be because:
The instrument is not turned on.
Make sure the bat-
tery is inserted correctly and the battery compart-
ment cover is closed correctly .
The battery is dead or does not work.
Insert a new
battery . Make sure the battery is inserted correctly
and that the battery compartment cover is closed
correctly .
The sound outlet is blocked.
Earwax is often the
cause of a blocked sound outlet . If the hearing aid
is equipped with a Cerustop wax guard, change
the wax guard . If the hearing aid is not equipped
with a wax guard, clean the sound outlet of the
hearing aid with the small brush . See page 26 . Do
not insert anything into the sound outlet as this
could damage the hearing aid . If you cannot clean
the sound outlet completely, you should contact
your hearing care professional .
The battery contacts are dirty.
Contact your hearing
care professional to have the battery contacts
cleaned .
The microphone opening is blocked.
Wax or dirt can
block the microphone opening . Do not insert any-
thing into the microphone opening . Contact your
hearing care professional .
If the hearing aid volume is not powerful enough, it
could be because:
The sound outlet is blocked.
Earwax is often the
cause of a blocked sound outlet . If the hearing aid
is equipped with a Cerustop wax guard, change
the wax guard . If the hearing aid is not equipped
with a wax guard, clean the sound outlet of the
hearing aid with the small brush . See page 26 . Do
not insert anything into the sound outlet as this
could damage the hearing aid . If you cannot clean
the sound outlet completely, you should contact
your hearing care professional .
Your ear canal is blocked by earwax.
Contact your
ENT doctor to have your ear canal cleaned .