Possible cause
The hearing aids do
not respond with a
corresponding change
in volume or program
to the control device.
a. The device is used be-
yond the transmission
b. Strong electromagnetic
interference in the vicinity.
c. The device and the hear-
ing aids are not matched.
a. Move the device clos-
er to the hearing aids.
b. Move away from
known sources of elec-
tromagnetic interfer-
c. Check with your hear-
ing care professional to
make sure the device is
matched with hearing
The hearing aid has
run out of energy and
has been refilled and
turned on, but it is still
not working.
The hearing aid needs
some time to start work-
ing again if it has been ex-
posed to temperatures be-
low 0°C (32°F), high hu-
midity/moisture or if the
energy cell has dried out.
Wait until the hearing
aid restarts.
If the hearing aid was
refilled less than an
hour ago, it will take up
to ten minutes to re-
If the hearing aid was
refilled between one
hour and 24 hours ago,
it will take up to 45 mi-
nutes to restart.