5.14 Troubleshooting
5.14.1 The device can’t be reached at the assigned IP address
During the configuration of N.A.A.W. devices it is possible, for whatever reason, that you
are unable to identify the IP address of the interface through which you are connected
to the device.
This may occur because the interface is configured with N.A.A.W. protocol (which
calculates the IP address starting from a MAC address), or because there is a duplication
of the IP address or simply because of an oversight on the part of the administrator.
If this is the case, because every interface is configured with a link-local type IP address
(, N.A.A.W. provides a very simple solution
The procedure is as follows:
• configure the interface on the PC connected to NAAW with an address of the link-
local type (e.g.
• Open a terminal command
• ping address: 169,254,255,255:
o on Linux OS “ping-b 169 254 255 255”. All N.A.A.W. devices physically connected
to the interface, will answer. At this point it is sufficient to identify, by repeated
attempts if necessary, the unit in question by contacting it via the exposed link-
local address.
o on Windows OS command “ping 169254255255” does not show responses by
individual N.A.A.W. and to view addresses that have responded, use the command