5.13 Default profiles
1) Access Point
The device works as a standard Access Point that provides the Wi-Fi service.
2) Repeater
The device works as a wireless repeater that, being connected with a main Access
Point, extends its Wi-Fi coverage.
3) Mesh
The device works as a node of a mesh network (single Radio Interface in ad hoc mode).
4) Mesh GW
The device works as a gateway to Internet in a mesh ad hoc network (for a network of
devices using “Mesh” Profile).
5) Mesh + AP
The device works as a node of a mesh ad hoc network providing Wi-Fi service as an
Access Point through a second virtual interface.
6) Mesh + AP GW
The device works as a gateway to Internet in a mesh ad hoc n AP (for a network
of devices using ‘Mesh + AP’ Profile).
7) Router
The device works as an Access Point operating also as a gateway to the Internet
providing basic services (i.e.: DHCP, DNS, NAT).
8) Captive Portal – Client
The device works as a hot-spot for public access, connected to a Radius autentication
LEDs indicators
The use of LEDs indicators changes according to the profile that is in use:
- For “Repeater”profiles the LEDs shows the strrenght of the wireless radio link
between the client interface of the devices and the access point it is connected to:
according to the strenght of the signal 1 to 4 leds turn on (1 led weak signal – 2 leds
average signal – 3 leds good signal – 4 leds excellent signal)
- For all of other profiles LEDs show the real time throughput of the device (increasing
according to the number of led turned on).