Possible Cause
Corrective Action
“Call for Service” icon appears on
1. Heating system is not able to heat
the space to within 10 degrees of the
setpoint within 2 hours
2. Cooling system is not able to cool
the space to within 10 degrees of the
setpoint within 2 hours
3. If “--” is displayed for the Room Tem-
perature, a replacement thermostat
is needed
4. None of the buttons operate on the
5. If “Call for Service” is flashing, com-
pressor self diagnostic is detecting an
issue with the outdoor unit
1. See corrective action for “No Heat”
2. See corrective action for “No Cool”
3. Replace thermostat
4. Make sure keypad lockout is not
turned on ( ), If it’s OFF, try reset
shown below.
5. Contact a service person to verify
the outdoor equipment is operating
Heat pump system runs heat in cool
mode/cool in heat mode
Changeover “O/B” set incorrectly
Use configuration to switch “O” to “B”
or “B” to “O”