Step 7:
Attach FlexiDuct from the KLEENAIR unit to the rangehood using pipe clips. Ensure that the duct is pulled tightly
to ensure that FlexiDuct remains firm and stable during operation. Avoid sharp bends in the duct.
Gentle bends in
the ducting are recommended as it assists in muffling noise from the fan unit back to the rangehood.
If the
FlexiDuct needs to be extended attach the two FlexiDuct ends using a RigidDuct insert, secured by pipe clips or
duct tape.
Step 8:
Attach the male plug of the KLEENAIR unit to the female plug of the rangehood to enable power supply to the fan
motor unit. An extension lead (not supplied) of up to five meters may be added if required.
Part 2: Motor Installation Guide
External Solution (Roof Mounted)
Positioning your KLEENAIR Unit:
It is recommended that when the KLEENAIR EXTERNAL UNIT is
ROOF mounted, it is positioned a minimum 2100mm above the
ground surface with a radial clearance of 600mm. Please ensure that
the KLEENAIR unit is positioned in an environment that is free of
other gases to enable an efficient expulsion of the cooking
bi-products and to ensure that back-draft of external gases doesn’t
take place.
Please ensure the motor is positioned away from other exhausts
such as fire place chimneys, gas flues, etc. The unit can be mounted
so that it ducts directly through the roof.
Step 1:
Cut a 200mm diameter hole in the roof to enable the RigidDuct on
the base of the KLEENAIR unit to protrude down into the roof space.
Affix the dektite (optional accessory) to the roof surface. Please
ensure that the hole is cut in a practical position to enable the Flexi-
Duct to be secured.
Step 2:
Using standard 200mm pipe mounts (optional accessory), mount
the RigidDuct neck to beams, trusses or other appropriate struc-
tures in the roof space. Ensure the RigidDuct protrudes past the top
of the dektite by at least 75mm.
Step 3:
Remove the mounting bracket from your KLEENAIR unit by rotating
the cover in an anti clockwise direction.
Step 4:
Fix the mounting bracket to the RigidDuct using the screws
Step 5:
Feed power cable through the centre of the mounting bracket and
return the KLEENAIR unit on to the mounting bracket and fix it by
rotating the cover in a clockwise direction. Lock the cover into posi-
tion by tighting the locking screw.
Step 6:
Attach the FlexiDuct to the RigidDuct using the pipe clips supplied.
min 75mm
Mounting Points
Mounting Bracket