There is no special maintenance schedule for the Whirl Wind 400A
propeller system beyond the usual inspections listed in Section 6 and
the teardown inspection schedule listed below. It is recommended
that the operator apply a high quality paste wax on the blades at
least once a month to aide in protection from the elements - it is
important that the blades are always sealed from outside moisture.
Automotive materials such as Acryluathane paint and Epoxy resin
can be used to repair most small scratches and chips.
Teardown Inspection Schedule
Refer to the original propeller data sheet for recommended
teardown inspection schedule. If the original data sheet
cannot be found, please contact Whirl Wind Aviation directly
to confirm the recommended schedule for your propeller.
Use of Propeller Log Book
1. Proper maintenance of this logbook is the owner’s
responsibility. It is an important record designed for the
owner’s information and protection.
2. If the propeller is sold or installed on another aircraft the
logbook should be transferred with the propeller. New owner
information should be registered with Whirl Wind Aviation by
calling 440-275-1540.
3. It is recommended that maintenance release tags and work
orders be attached inside the back cover of this book. If a
copy of the work order is not available, the repair station and
work order numbers should be referenced in the logbook
Section 7: Propeller System Maintenance