WhaleTeq DFS100 is designed for AED field tester. AED (Automated
External Defibrillator) is a life-saving medical device that delivers
defibrillation upon identifying and analyzing the ECG of a resuscitation-
needed patient. Because AEDs are installed in public areas where they
can be reached before ambulance arrival, the majority of AEDs rely on
one-time batteries and requires only minimal training compared to
hospital-use defibrillators. Ensuring the functionality of AEDs
periodically becomes widely accepted around the world, and DFS100 is
the ideal tool to conduct such a regular inspection.
WhaleTeq DFS100 is a compact field tester, functioning as an ECG signal
simulator and defibrillation energy guarantee equipment for AED
regular maintenance.
For ECG patterns simulation, DFS100 simulates NSR (Normal Sinus
Rhythm) as well as other arrhythmias that may need AED defibrillation.
Arrhythmia convert combination (ECG waveform before vs. after
defibrillation) is also available.
For energy guarantee, DFS100 allows User to customize the pass/fail
criteria of the delivered defibrillation energy. To ensure the durability
of DFS100, protection against multiple defibrillation is implemented.
(DFS100 should be used to analyze defibrillation energy at the interval
of at least 60 seconds)