B E L 1 8 0 S E M I - A U T O M A T I C R A N D O M T A P E S E A L E R
Feeding Cases to the Machine
Automatic Random Case Size Operation
1. Fold down the top flaps of the case and, holding them down at the rear of the case; push it
against the ‘nose’ roller of the top tapehead holder. The top tapehead holder will rise until
the roller no longer contacts the case and allow it to be pusher further into the sealer.
There is a pin that rises through the bottom sensor plate that limits how far the case can
be pushed into the machine.
Top tapehead holder
‘nose’ roller
Case infeed
position limit pin
2. The top tapehead will drop down until it senses the top of the case and the conveyor side
belts will come in against the sides of it, driving the case through the sealer.
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