Set-up and Operation
2. The motion sensor can be adjusted horizon-
tally in an angle of 270°. When you want to
adjust the motion sensor, turn it carefully up
to the end to the right resp. to the left.
3. Now position the spotlights the area you want
to illuminate. The spotlights can be adjusted
both horizontally and vertically.
Be careful when turning the spotlights to the desired position!
Adjusting the Solar Module
1. Always align the front side of the solar module horizontally
pointing to the sun at noon – this means to the south on the
northern hemisphere and to the north on the southern hemi-
sphere. If necessary, use a compass.
2. The vertical angle of the module should correspond to the
degree of latitude of your position. This ensures the best
energy efficiency during the whole year.
Alternatively to the method described above you can use the
following formula to calculate the angle for winter or summer:
Summer = Latitude - 22.4° / Winter = La 22.4°.