1: I
Response Time
. The SE 6000 is capable of fast response times in both single and multiple site
configurations. Fast response times are important for security personnel who monitor alarms and
are always appreciated by keyholders wishing to enter locked doors.
Principal System Functions
Access Control
Anti-Passback Control
. The SE 6000 has anti-passback features (applies to zones only) to
prevent tailgating or unauthorized key use. Anti-passback is possible across multiple access
control devices, and can be hard (denies access) or soft (allows access, but displays and logs a
message). The software handles vehicle and personal passback separately.
Automatic Access Control
. Permits employees or visitors with assigned access codes to pass
through only those doors assigned to them and only during the proper days and hours.
Automatic Activate / Deactivate
. Permits the automatic activation of specific output points to
control lighting, status indicators, or other electrically controlled functions.
Automatic Unlock / Lock
. Allows doors to be opened automatically only during specified time
periods, then re-locked automatically at a later time.
Communications Monitor
. Permits security personnel to check all wiring and communications
to all hardware elements and displays raw data exchange between the host computer and a
connected device.
Event Monitoring
. Displays events as they occur and monitors the door status and other access
points. Allows security personnel to watch events at all doors in the system from one location.
Flexible Event Handling
. Flexible event handling automatically activates outputs, displays
special messages, and enables / disables devices. Anything which can be done manually on the
SE 6000 can also be performed automatically using this feature.
Independent PIN Entry
. Access control can be enhanced using personal identification numbers
(PINs). PINs are entered via keypad devices assigned to readers. Also, high-security independent
devices (hand geometry readers, e.g.) can identify the user.
Manual Access Control
. Allows security personnel to manually open any door in response to an
access request. May be used with closed-circuit TV to verify and admit people, or to track
keyholders who have forgotten their keys. Includes the capability to record keyholder IDs if keys
are not available. All manual actions are logged as events.
Two-Man Rule
. The SE 6000 can be programmed to grant access only after two valid key
presentations have been made at the same reader within a predefined period of time.