1. Pull the protective caps from the eyepiece (1) and the lens (7).
2. If you are far-sighted or short-sighted, you should use the night binoculars
without glasses. You can focus the image with the eyepiece. If there are
special afflictions or eyesight deficiencies on both eyes higher than ± 4
dioptre, use your eyeglasses when using the night binoculars.
Fold up the rubber eyepiece cups (3) to shield your eyes from stray light. If
you wear eyeglasses while using the night binoculars, fold down the rubber
eyepieces. Make sure to have the right distance between the glasses and the
night binoculars. Due to individual differences (e. g. distance between
glasses and eye) it might be necessary to keep the night binoculars 0.5 up to
1 cm away from the glasses in order to be able to get a clear field of view.
3. First, adjust the right interpupillary distance with
the IPD scale (2). IPD = Interpupillary Distance.
4. Hold the night binoculars with both hands and
swivel it in the desired direction, until the image
appears as one circle without dark shadows.
5. With the central drive (5) you can focus both eyepieces simultaneously. To
settle differences between the right eye and the left eye, you can adjust only
the right eyepiece. Turn the right eyepiece to the 0-dioptre position (4). Turn
the visible "0" on the rubber ring exactly above the white dot. The dot is
placed on the bottom part of the right eyepiece cell.
6. Now close the right eye and view the object you want to observe only with
the left eye. Adjust the night binoculars by turning the central drive until you
will see a sharp image. Open the right eye and close the left one. Turn the
right eyepiece until the object to be observed is sharp and clearly visible.
Now both eyepieces are adjusted.