The injection nozzle puller set is suitable for the fast and safe
removal of diesel injectors.
Before working on the fuel system, make sure that the fuel system is
not pressurized. Refer to the manufacturer's instruction manual on
how to de-pressurize the fuel system.
Always use an external adaptor first if possible. If by using
reasonable force the injector cannot be removed, use an internal
1. According to the built-in system, assemble the slide hammer to
be able to remove the injector nozzles.
2. Disconnect the injector wires and connections. Make sure not to
bend the wires in order not to damage them.
3. Remove any carbon build up from around the injector.
4. Remove the cap from the injector using the appropriate nozzle
Use of the external Adaptor
1. Separate the inner black part
from the outer silver adaptor (5)
by removing the screw from the
top of the adaptor.
2. Identify the suitable external
thread adaptor.
3. Position the black part inside the
top of the injector and then place
the silver part over it. Screw it
down firmly onto the external
threads after removing the cap.