Safety Notes
If the disc becomes stuck or locked in the work piece or you intend to interrupt your
work, turn off the unit and hold it tightly until the disc has come to a complete standstill.
Never attempt to lift the spinning disc out of the cut, this may cause kickback. Verify
and remove the cause for the stoppage.
Do not turn on the unit while the disc is in the work piece. Allow the disc to reach full
speed before carefully resuming the cut. Otherwise the disc may jam, jump out of the cut
or kick back.
Support sheets or large work pieces to reduce the risk of a kickback caused by the disc
being wedged in the work piece. Larger work pieces may deform under their own
weight. The work piece must be supported on both sides, on the edges as well as close to
the cut.
Be especially careful when undertaking "pocket cuts" in existing walls or other areas
which can not be overlooked. When plunging into the wall the disc can kick back when
hitting gas or water pipes, wires or other objects in the wall.