Full Drive Test
Highly recommended for all test procedures, the Full Drive Test
provides the most extensive testing of the two test functions. Test time
for the Full Drive Test varies depending on the capacity of the drive
under test. New generation drives will test at greater than 1 GB per
minute while old generation drives may test at less than 10 MB per
minute. Test progress is displayed on the second line of the tester
LCD. If errors are detected during this operation, the WD Quick
Tester will correct the bad sector.
If the drive passes the testing, it is spun down, and the drive
information and test data are stored in the tester database. The WD
Quick Tester will report that the test is completed and that the drive
passed, indicated by both a message on the display and an illuminated
green LED.
return a drive for repair if it passed the test.
If the drive fails at any point in the testing, the WD Quick Tester
attempts to spin down the drive and notifies the user. If the drive
failed for user-induced handling damage,
return the drive
for warranty repair. If the drive failed for non-customer handling
related issues, the WD Quick Tester will report the failure. In both
failure cases, the red LED illuminates. The drive information and test
data are stored in the tester database.
At any time during the Full Drive Test, you can abort the operation by
pressing either button. When the test stops, you are given the choice
to the test. Selecting
results in no report on
the display.
Quick Drive Test
The Quick Drive Test is identical to the Full Drive Test except that it
does not perform the full media scan unless it detects an error during
testing. The Quick Drive Test may not identify all media-related
errors, but it does test the basic functionality of a drive. If you suspect
media issues, use the Full Drive Test function. If the WD Quick
Tester detects a media-related failure, it reports the failure and
prompts to continue or abort the operation. If further testing is
required, do not use the drive until such further testing is performed.
Though the Quick/Full Drive Test is not data destructive,
data within all bad sectors will be overwritten. Make sure to back up
your data.