Checking Drive Health
The data files on your My Passport drive are important to you. The WD SmartWare
software has several built-in diagnostic tools to help make sure that your drive is
performing well. Run one of the following tests if you are concerned that your drive is not
operating properly:
The best time to run the drive diagnostics and status checks is on a regular basis, before
you encounter any problems with your drive. And, because they are so fast, running the
quick S.M.A.R.T. status check and the quick drive test provides a high level of assurance
with minimal inconvenience. Then, run all three whenever you encounter disk error
conditions when backing up or retrieving files.
To run drive diagnostics and status checks:
On the Drive Settings screen (see Figure 12 on page 29), click
to display
the Diagnostics dialog:
Diagnostic Tool
Quick S.M.A.R.T.
Status Check
S.M.A.R.T. is a failure-prediction function that continuously monitors
key internal performance attributes of the drive. A detected increase in
drive temperature, noise, or read/write errors, for example, can
provide an indication that the drive might be approaching a serious
failure condition. With advanced warning, you could take
precautionary measures, like moving your data to another drive,
before a failure occurs.
The result of a quick S.M.A.R.T. status check is a pass or fail
evaluation of the drive's condition.
The S.M.A.R.T. status check completes within a second or two.
Quick Drive Test
Your My Passport drive has a built-in Data Lifeguard diagnostic utility
that tests the drive for error conditions. The quick drive test checks
the drive for major performance problems.
The result of a quick drive test is a pass or fail evaluation of the drive's
The quick drive test can take several minutes to complete.
Complete Drive Test
The most comprehensive drive diagnostic is the complete drive test. It
methodically tests each and every sector for error conditions, and
inserts bad-sector markers as
The complete drive test can take several hours to complete,
depending on the size and data configuration of your drive.