Enter the following login details:
Username: admin
Password: westermo
The Status summary page will be displayed.
4.8. Factory Default Reset Switch
The reset switch is used to restore the configuration of the MRD to factory default
settings. The switch is accessed through a small hole on the rear of the unit adjacent to the
power connector.
To reset the configuration:
1. Power down the unit.
2. Use a suitable tool and depress the reset switch.
3. Power up the unit ensuring the switch remains depressed for approximately 10
seconds after power is applied. The STS LED and NET LED will flash twice to indicate
a reset.
4. The router will now re-boot as normal with the factory default settings.
Using the Factory default reset switch will erase all existing configuration
settings and restore the factory default settings. This includes the network
connection profile settings APN, user name and password.
MRD-415 and MRD-455