Mount Speaker and Mic in the Speaker Post or Menu Board
microphone location
is most important!
42” to 52”
above the drive thru surface and
positioned at the point the customer will stop is best. Bascially, GET THE MICROPHONE AS
speaker location
is less important. Keep the speaker and mic at least 18” apart. The
speaker can be put in the bottom of the speaker post if space allows or hung under the menu
board, even facing straight down (which also helps weather resistance)
has been provided to “cradle” the microphone and speaker.
Direct contact
with the
speaker post may transmit vibration which is “sound” to a microphone.
Keep the
wire entrance
at the bottom to serve as a “weep hole” to allow water to drain.
A couple illustrations of how to mount the speaker/mic assemblies.
In situations where NO shelf is provided to hold the foam, is may be necessary to screw into the face
of the microphone and speaker boxes to hold them in place. Just stay to the
outside edge
of the
boxes and you will miss the microphone and speaker inside.
Only do this if absolutely necessary.
Solder ALL wire connections
– Microphone, Speaker and Loop. Use “grease-filled” Dolphin
connections to cover the soldered connections. Place wire connections in any “up” position so that
water does not run down the wire into the connections.
Installation Guide 10/23/2012 Page 3