Fieldbus Gateway application diagram
The following graph shows a typical connection scheme.
4. Operation modes of the Gateway
Configuration mode (config mode)
The configuration mode serves to configure the Gateway. The following adjustments are possible in this mode.
Loading a Script (e. g. by means of the software WINGATE with "Write Script" under "File")
Updating the firmware (e. g by means of the software "FDT")
Configuration of the Gateway (by means of the software WINGATE)
The Gateway will be starting in this mode in case both switches S4 as well as S5 are set on position "F" when switching on the
Gateway. Right after switching on the Gateway in the configuration mode it will be sending its starting message, that looks analog
with the following message:
"RS-FE-CL (232/422/485) V3.0 [29] (c)dA Switch=0xFF Script(8k)="Leer" Author="wenglor sensoric gmbh" Version="1.0"
Date=21.08.2001 SN=47110001 IP=“.
In the configuration mode the Gateway always operates with the settings 9600 Bauds, no Parity, 8 Databits and 1 Stopbit, the
RS-State LED will always be flashing red, the "Error No/Select ID" LEDs are of no account for the user. All software revisions
contain the configuration mode.
Test mode
Setting of the test mode
The test mode is set by bringing the switches S4 and S5 in position "E". All other switches will not be taken into consideration for
the setting of the test mode. Now the Gateway has to be restarted with these settings (by a short disconnection from the power
In the test mode the Gateway always operates with the settings 9600 baud, no parity, 8 databits and 1 stopbit.
The test mode may be helpful to integrate the Gateway in the relevant environment, for instance to test the parameters of the
Mode of operation of the test mode
After the restart in the test mode the Gateway will be sending the values 0…15 in hexadecimal representation ("0"…"F") in ASCII-
coding on the serial side every second. Simultaneously the same values are issued binary on the fieldbus-interface.
In this mode the State-LED on the RS-side will be flashing red, the "Error No/Select ID" LEDs will be displaying the value in a
binary way, that is issued that moment. Additionally each character that is received at one of the interfaces will also be output at the
same interface as a local echo. On the fieldbus-side only the first byte will be used for the local echo, that means on receiving as
well as on transmitting only the first byte of the bus data is looked at, the other bus data do not change compared to the last data.
24 V
Fieldbus Gateway
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