Light Fixture Configuration
Initial Configuration
Only the initial configuration procedure does not require an
active power connection to the light fixture.
1. Remove the configuration tablet from the shipping container.
Power-up and register the tablet by following the tablet initial
start-up prompts.
2. After the tablet has been registered select the appstore icon,
select the search button in the top right corner and type
“Wenger” in the search bar, then select the orange search icon
on the right side of the keyboard.
Global installations may need to be set to the United States
to search for the software.
3. Locate the Wenger programmer application then select “get”.
The app will begin to download and install on the tablet.
4. Insert the USB-B connector of the USB-A to USB-B cord
in the corresponding USB-B port on the light fixture
control box.
5. Insert the USB-A connector of the
USB-A to USB-B cord in the
corresponding port of the
micro USB to USB adapter cord,
then insert the micro USB connector
of the adapter cord into the tablet’s
micro USB port next to the
power/lock button.
6. Select the Wenger app on the tablet home screen.
7. Once the app is open/running the diagnostic information window
for the currently connected light fixture is displayed, view the
information and select “ok”.
8. If a change to any of the fields is necessary, select the field,
enter the new value, the select “set”.
The adjustable fields are:
• Device Label (ex. Wenger fixture)
• DMX Address (ex. 1-512)
• DMX Value (Ex. 0-100% or 0-255)
• Dimming Curve (incandescent, linear, s curve, or exponential)
• DMX Terminator (on/off)
• DMX Loss (0-101% or 0-256)
• LED Power (0-100% or 0-255)
9. If required, select “set factory defaults” to reset the fields listed
above to the original values assigned by the manufacturer.
Pressing “set factory defaults” results in the LED power setting to
be set to its maximum value of 255, which is approximately
170W output.
Although this output wattage will not adversely affect the
Lieto fixture, the LED power value should be changed to the
value correlating to the photometric layout output wattage for
each fixture.
This is best done using the Wenger App, not DMXcat app.
10. Repeat this procedure for each required light fixture.
Configuration Tablet
Micro USB to USB Adapter
Diagnostic Information Window