Only a licensed health care professional or a properly
trained person under the direction of such a professional should
perform the irrigation procedure. Always inspect the ear before
attempting any irrigation. Do not irrigate with this device: a) if a
perforated tympanic membrane is documented in the patient’s
chart or observed on inspection, b) if a perforated tympanic
membrane is suspected, or c) if the tympanic membrane cannot
be visualized on inspection. Note that sometimes small
perforations are evident only as an immobile tympanic
membrane. Irrigation is not advised if the patient presents with
severe pain, vertigo (especially with nystagmus), sensorineural
hearing loss, active and significant bleeding or severe tinnitus.
Irrigation in a patient with a perforated tympanic membrane may
result in contaminating the middle ear with debris from the ear
canal. Use clinical discretion if the patient has acute otitis media,
chronic or complicated otitis media, PE Tubes or is
If the water is too cold, the patient may experience
vertigo or light-headedness. Please verify that the thermal
indicator is white before proceeding with the irrigation.
Directions for use
Reimbursement Information
Coverage -
Use of the Ear Wash System in the physician office is usually covered by payers
when medically necessary.
Coding -
69210, removal of impacted cerumen (separate procedure), one or both ears.
Payment -
payment for use of the Ear Wash System varies by payer, plan, and provider
contract and may be separately payable in the physician’s office setting.