Pocket ECG User - Manual
DIR 80012822 Ver. C
35 / 41
have no effect on the original signal.
After registration we recommend that you enter at least the user list, the contact list and the
recording hardware in advance.
The settings in the Options menu:
Here you can configure your CardioPerfect recorder. The following options can
be set:
The recorder model that is used.
The communication port of the Pocket PC to which the
recorder is connected. Depending on the hardware
configuration the port is usually Com 1.
Max. record length
The maximum recording length of the ECG in seconds.
You can select a value between 10 and 300 seconds.
Here you can modify the telemedicine contact list, this is the list of persons or
host machines that you would like to exchange files with while doing
telemedicine. You can Add Edit or Delete contacts. Enter Display name,
Address, Password, Port and Device name.
If a socket connection is used, the address field on the
Host PC must match this Pocket PC
Device Name
(See Windows CE Settings
Device Name)
Do not use space, underline or other separators; only
letters and numbers! The
Device Name
is case sensitive!
For a correct setup of a contact you have to get some information that your
Welch Allyn CardioPerfect host administrator can provide you. Please note that
the administrator must also perform some tasks in Welch Allyn CardioPerfect
to allow you to send/receive ECG’s to that host.
The information you will need is:
Address: the IP address of the Welch Allyn CardioPerfect host,
Password: the password that only you and the administrator should
know about.
Port: The port to which the host is listening.
Modifies the user list, you can enter information about the practician or
technician who is going to perform the actual ECG recording. This information
is then used to ‘sign’ the ECG. You can Add, Edit or Delete users. For each
user at least the User field and E-mail field should be filled in.