Operating Instructions
Trainer Mode
Trainer mode is the primary mode of operation and is accessed by pressing the green ON/
OFF button. In this mode the Menu buttons are inoperative and all menus are inactive.
The ON/OFF button and the Shock button are the only user responsive buttons in this
mode. While in Trainer mode the unit displays elapsed time, battery level, number of
shocks delivered to the patient, text prompts, and various status messages on the LCD
Figure 1. Trainer Mode Display
Elapsed Time
While in Trainer mode the elapsed time is displayed in the upper left hand
corner of the screen in the following format: HH:MM:SS. The Elapsed Time stops
incrementing if the Trainer is paused during a scenario and continues after the
scenario is resumed.
Battery Level
While in Trainer mode the Trainer graphically displays the battery level in
the upper middle portion of the screen. The battery level indicator displays 10 distinct
battery levels and is updated every second. The word “LOW” appears under the
battery level symbol if the average battery voltage falls below operating levels.
Patient Shock Counter
While in Trainer mode the unit displays the number of shocks
delivered in the upper right hand corner of the screen
AED Text
While in Trainer mode this region of the display shows text prompts to the
The lower right hand corner of the screen displays the simulated amount of
delivered energy.
The Battery Level Indicator is only available on Welch Allyn AED 10 defibrillators
using software versions 2.06.02 and earlier.
Patient Shock
AED Text