Operating Instruction
1. Functional introduction
Front panel illustration and parts number reference
Figure 5: Front panel
1. “Gas test / Cutting” switch
Switch to “Gas test”, check if gas flow is normal; to “cutting” to perform air plasma
2. “Auto-lock / Non-auto-lock” switch
Switch to “Non-auto-lock”, perform cutting when pressing torch trigger, stop welding
when releasing the trigger. This mode is suitable for short cutting seam. To “Auto-lock”,
after successfully starting arc by pressing torch trigger, then you can perform cutting by
releasing the trigger. When you press torch trigger again, torch will stop cutting. This
mode is suitable for long cutting seam.
3. “Power on / off” indicator
Indicating whether power source is effectively connected to power supply
4. “Protection” indicator lamp
Cutting machine will automatically stop working when it is overheat, and the lamp will
light up.
5. “Welding current” regulation knob
Used to adjust cutting current
6. Cable socket
Connect to workpiece
7. Central socket of cutting machine
Connect to cutting torch