WEIDOS Quick Start Guide
Version: 00.00.01
Page 26 / 52
The use of these inputs as analog or digital is selected via software by programming with the built-in functions
analogRead() or digitalRead(). D
o not depend on any external switch or additional hardware configuration.
As Digital Inputs, this pins will detect HIGH state between 5 and 24Vdc, in the same way as in the opto-
isolated digital inputs
As Analog Inputs, this pins will detect the analog signal between 0 and 10Vdc with a resolution of 12 bits by
default (lower resolution can be set via software).
See Analog Inputs examples of use in ArduinoIDE
File > Examples > Examples for WEIDOS-XXX > Analog.
Use Software Names defined in section 3.6 of this manual (Pinout description), to use Weidos pins.
Analogue Output
Analogue Output pin is located on the following connector:
Check electrical characteristics for Analog Output in the following table:
Analog Output
Output Range
0 to 10 V DC
Output Reference
Referenced Single Ended (analog output share the same common
reference on the device)
10 mA
Resolution DAC
10 bits maximum