Quick Instruction, Version 2.2
Page 16 of 43 pages
Weatherdock AG Sigmundstraße 180 90431 Nürnberg
Tel.:+49 911 37663835 www.weatherdock.de
Ship's name: enter the name of the vessel (20 characters maxi-
Call Sign: enter the vessel's radio call sign (7 characters maximum)
Select the most appropriate vessel type from the drop-down list.
For a pleasure craft (sailing and/or engine) it is 37.
Enter the vessel’s dimensions by defining the position of the GPS
antenna (see the sketch above, all dimensions are in meter):
Dimension A: distance from the GPS antenna location to the
Dimension B: distance from the GPS antenna location to the
Dimension C: distance from the GPS antenna location to the
port side
Dimension D: distance from the GPS antenna location to the
starboard side
Select the appropriate baud rate for your PC or chart plotter de-
vice (by default it is set to 38400 baud).
If the easyTRX2 is set to 4800 Baud transfer rate, in high traffic areas it
might be the possibility of missing some AIS position reports of other
The reason for that is the slower data throughput because of the data
Weatherdock does not take any responsibility for a full and reliable re-
ception of all AIS data around, if the RS422 baud rate is set to 4800
3.2 Diagnostics
If you select the tab “Diagnostics” you’ll get lot of information concern-
ing the status quo of the easyTRX2 (-IS).