HD MotionCam
Installation Manual
Release 1, Version 1.0
February 2011
Utilization of the pan/tilt/zoom functionalities of the HD MotionCam is possible
through the page pictured above.
Captured Images
In order to obtain captured images Port 21 TCP outbound must be open for FTP o
and WeatherBug Weather Station Technical Support must be contacted at 800-
624-4205 or email [email protected]. The camera must be enabled through
headquarters in order for captured images to be available through the WeatherBug
website. Once the camera is enabled, using a web browser on a computer
connected to a Local Area Network (LAN), images can be viewed from the
camera by visiting http://weather.weatherbug.com and searching for the location
Now that captured images and live video are visible from the HD MotionCam and
available on the network, the rest of the installation may be completed.