®2019 WernerCo Part No. 24-0340 REV. C 11/2019
Figure 3
Figure 5
Figure 4
Figure 6
Figure 1
Figure 2
STEP 1. Assemble Bulkhead
Bolt panel top to base panel using nine each 1/4-20
3/4˝ bolts, 1/4˝ flat washers and 1/4-20 nylon lock
nuts as shown in figure 1. For the purposes of this
instruction sheet, the screen version of the
bulk-head will be shown but the window version
of the bulkhead installs in the same manner.
STEP 2. Loosely Assemble B-Pillar Brackets to the
Panel Top
Loosely bolt a B-pillar bracket to each side of the
panel top to base panel using two each 1/4-20 3/4˝
bolts, 1/4˝ flat washers and 1/4-20 nylon lock nuts
as shown in figure 2. Do not tighten the hardware
at this time.
STEP 3. Locate Existing Mounting Holes in Floor of Van
The four mounting holes at the bottom of the base
panel line up with four pre-punched holes in the
floor of the Transit Connect located directly behind
the seats and under the floor mat (see figure 3).
Position the floor hole locator template (page 3 of
these instructions) as shown in figure 4 using the
front edge of the floor and the center of the tie-down
bolt (see figure 5) as reference points on either side.
Mark the hole locations on the floor mat and then
drill a 1/8˝ pilot hole to confirm the exact location for
each of the four holes.
STEP 4. Drill 1-1/8˝ Holes in the Floor Pad Directly Above
the Four Floor Mounting Holes
With the hole saw and using the pilot holes drilled
in step 3, drill a 1-1/8˝ hole in the floor pad directly
above each of the four floor mounting holes. See
figure 6.
Be careful not to drill through the van
floor with the hole saw!