Evaluation board user manual
4 Regulatory compliance information
4.1 European Conformity
Pursuant to Article 1 (2.) of the EU directive 2014/53/EU, Article 1 (2.) the directive does not
apply to equipment listed in Annex I (4.): custom-built evaluation kits designed for professionals
to be used solely at research and development facilities for such purposes.
4.2 FCC
Pursuant to §2.803 (c) of Title 47 Chapter I Subchapter A Part 2 Subpart I, the evaluation
kit falls under the FCC exception. Therefore it is marked as "For evaluation only; not FCC
approved for resale".
4.3 Exemption clause
Relevant regulation requirements are subject to change. Würth Elektronik eiSos does not
guarantee the accuracy of the before mentioned information. Directives, technical standards,
procedural descriptions and the like may be interpreted differently by the national authorities.
Equally, the national laws and restrictions may vary with the country. In case of doubt or uncer-
tainty, we recommend that you consult with the authorities or official certification organizations
of the relevant countries. Würth Elektronik eiSos is exempt from any responsibilities or liabili-
ties related to regulatory compliance.
Notwithstanding the above, Würth Elektronik eiSos makes no representations and warranties
of any kind related to their accuracy, correctness, completeness and/or usability for customer
applications. No responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies or incompleteness.
Thyone-I, Proteus-III(-SPI), Setebos-I
Version 1.5, May 2023