Version 6: June 6, 2019
Assembly Instructions for WCS Dumpsters
2 Yard Containers With Tie Down Bags
Tools Needed
Impact Driver, Drill, or Ratchet
Socket – 18mm or 11/16
Note: The dumpster can be assembled on the floor, but the use of a sturdy table for assembly in an elevated position
makes the job easier. Can be assembled by one person.
Orientation of Dumpster
– Front is determined by the locking left front wheel and the two corner posts are shorter than
the back.
Parts List
Parts Packed in Dumpster
2 - bag support rods
1 - lid support rod
1 - left front vertical support
1 - right front vertical support
1 - back center vertical support
2- end bag support rails
2 - bag protectors
1 - Front panel
2 - Lids
Hardware Bag
2 - left and right lid brackets (Shown Below)
1 - middle lid bracket (Shown Below)
6 - cotter pins (Changing to 3)
18- 1-inch bolts
18- nuts
Right Rear Lid
Left Rear Lid
Middle Rear Lid