1 - Introduction
This instruction handbook is for use by the owner of the Remote Visual Inspection equipment
and their personnel. Waygate Technologies remains the owner of the copyright on this
instruction handbook. No part of this work covered by the copyrights herein may be translated,
reproduced, stored in information retrieval systems, or transmitted, in any form or by any
means graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or
otherwise without the prior written permission of the publishers.Individual reproductions are
allowed for business purposes only with the prior written consent of Waygate Technologies.
Should you have any questions concerning clarification of problems in connection with
application, use, operation, specification of your Remote Visual Inspection equipment,
please contact the following:
Technical Support Contact Information
Global Phone:
NOTE: Contact information is subject to change. Please visit the Waygate Technologies
website for the latest contact information.
NOTE: The terms XL Detect and XL , within this document, are used
interchangeably and with the intent that both are applicable unless otherwise
This equipment is manufactured under one or more of the following
US patents:
• 4,980,769
• 6,468,201
• 6,590,470
• 6,959,432
• 7,170,677
• 7,262,797
• 7,564,626