Clipping Indicator: This yellow LED indicates when the output signal is at maximum level before
distortion (clipping) occurs. It will be dimly lit at onset of clipping, and full bright under hard clipping.
If the connected amplifier(s) input can handle full 10Vrms output from the bassFREQ, then the gain is
set correctly when source unit is at its maximum unclipped volume and this LED is just starting to
flicker. It is likely, however, that gain will need to be reduced to match your amplifier(s) maximum
input capability or optimize source volume range and desired output vs main full-range speakers.
Gain Adjustment: Gain adjustment is for matching the output signal level of the bassFREQ with the
maximum unclipped signal range provided by your source and the maximum input capability of your
amplifier(s). Follow proper gain setting procedures to ensure optimum source volume range with
minimum chance for clipping at any point in the signal chain. Gain will likely need to be adjusted again
after all equalizaton and crossovers have been set. Aside from music, a 50Hz -10dBfs signal tone or
frequency sweep may be used between the chosen crossover points during the tuning process to
ensure proper headroom and gain overlap for typical music recording levels.
Bass Processor: This parametric EQ section provides full adjustment of all parameters of a single EQ
band, including boost, width and frequency. Unlike traditional bass boost, a parametric EQ provides
the tuning flexibility required for differences between vehicles, subwoofers and enclosures.
Boost: Provides adjustment for the amount of boost at the
center frequency (Fc) set for the parametric EQ band, up to
+12dB. If gain has already been adjusted, adding boost may
cause the output to clip and require reduction of gain to
achieve final desired unclipped output level.
Width: Also known as Q, this adjustment sets the
bandwidth (BW) of the parametric EQ band. A wide
setting will include more adjacent frequencies for a
broad boost, while a narrow setting will only boost
frequencies close to the chosen center frequency (Fc).
The range of Q adjustment is 1.5 (wide) to 5 (narrow). To
calculate the range of frequencies boosted between the
-3dB points of the EQ band, use the formula BW = Fc/Q.
Example: If freqency is set at Fc = 50Hz, and width is set at narrow (Q=5), then the boosted
bandwidth will be 50Hz/5 = 10Hz, meaning -3dB at 45Hz and 55Hz.
Frequency: This adjustment is for setting the center frequency (Fc) of the parametric EQ band,
between 30Hz and 80Hz.
Top Panel Adjustments
Boost (
Freq (Hz)
BW = F
Example-3: RCA Input from Aftermarket Radio
Note: Other devices such as smartphones or MP3 players may also be used as the main system source via the RCA input,
which typically produce 1Vrms output or less. While the bassFREQ’s auto turn-on circuit will detect very low signal levels,
it may be necessary in some cases to adjust gain for reasonable listening levels but with reduced master volume range.