Pan-Tilt HAT User Manual
Version: V1.0.0; Date: 2019.03.16
When working, Raspberry Pi (hereafter named as Master) will first send a Start signal,
then send a byte to TSL2581 (hereafter named as Slaver), whose first 7bits are address
of Slaver and 1 bit write bit. Slave response with Answer signal every time it receives
any data. Master send command register address to Slaver, then data of command
register. Stop signals is sent to slave to stop communicating.
When working, Master will first send a Start signal, then send a byte to Slaver, whose
first 7bits are address of Slaver and 1 bit write bit. Slave response with Answer signal
every time it receives any data. Master send command register address to Slave. After
that, Mater will send a Start signal again, and then send a byte (7bits address and 1bit
read bit) to Slaver. Slaver response and send data of the register to Master, master
answer as well. Stop signals will be sent to stop communicating.
I2C address of PCA9685:
I2C address of TSL2581:
PCA9685 Datasheet Page 7