Host-Specific Shortcuts
Pro Tools
To create multiple plugin instances for the entire session:
Hold Alt/ select NLS on a Mono track.
Hold Alt/ select NLS on a Stereo track*.
To create multiple plugin instances for selected tracks
Select multiple channels.
Hold Shift + Alt/ select NLS on a Mono track.
Hold Shift + Alt/ select NLS on a Stereo track*.
*This is to ensure that Stereo tracks receive NLS stereo components rather than two
NLS mono components (multi-mono).
Setting NLS VCA Groups for Grouped Tracks
Create Pro Tools Edit/Mix groups.
In the Group menu, select Modify Groups, open the Globals tab, and check the
Control box next to the Insert point (a or j) where NLS will be instantiated.
Instantiate NLS for the Pro Tools group.
Open one NLS instance and assign the NLS VCA group; this selection will be
duplicated to all NLS instances in the Pro Tools group.
Cubase / Nuendo
To create multiple plugin instances for selected tracks:
Select multiple channels.
Hold Alt/ Shift and insert NLS on the first channel.
To create multiple plugin instances for selected tracks:
Select multiple channels.
Insert NLS on one of the Mono tracks in the selection.
Insert NLS on one of the Stereo tracks in the selection.
Waves NLS
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