Chapter 2 – Quick Start Guide
As a starting point, we recommend using the NLS in one of the two configurations
described above.
Quick Start
Open the NLS Channel at the last insert point on every track.
Open the NLS Buss on your master or other buss.
VCA Group Usage
By default, all NLS instances are assigned to VCA Group 1.
For global control over all NLS instances in the session, open the VCA Group Console
via one of the Channel or Buss instances.
Set the VCA Group Drive which affects all instances in the group.
Set the VCA Group Trim, if required.
Select the VCA Group Studio setting. Selecting INDIV leaves each NLS instance with
its selected Studio setting; selecting SPIKE, MIKE or NEVO changes all NLS
instances in the group to the selected Studio.
Set the VCA Group Noise, if required.
Advanced VCA Group Usage
Set all NLS Channel instances on drum tracks (for example) to VCA 1.
Set all NLS Channel instances on guitar tracks (for example) to VCA 2.
Set all NLS Channel instances on vocal tracks (for example) to VCA 3, and so on.
Set all NLS Buss instances to VCA 8.
Open the VCA Groups Console.
Using the VCA Tab, rename the groups according to their assignments by
double-clicking on the text field, typing the new name, and clicking Enter: Grp1
renamed to Drums (for example), Grp 2 renamed to Guitars (for example), etc.
Open the VCA Groups Console in the Master track NLS instance, and turn on
Auto, enabling VCA write/read automation.
Use the VCA Groups Console as your main stem control.
Waves NLS
User Guide