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Installation - Outdoor Sensor PM-070

Step Two 
Wiring And Testing The Sensor

•  Connect 18 AWG or similar wire to the two terminals provided in the enclosure 

and run the wires from the PM-070 to the control. Do not run the wires parallel 

to telephone or power cables. If the sensor wires are located in an area with 

strong sources of electromagnetic interference (EMI), shielded cable or twisted 

pair should be used or the wires can be run in a grounded metal conduit. If using 

shielded cable, the shield wire should be connected to the Com terminal on the 

control and not to earth ground.

•  Follow the sensor testing instruction in this brochure and connect the wires to 

the control.

•  Replace the front cover of the sensor enclosure.

Sensor Testing Instructions

A good quality test meter capable of measuring up to 5,000 kΩ (1 kΩ = 1000Ω) is 

required to measure the sensor resistance. In addition to this, the actual tempera-

ture must be measured with either a good quality digital thermometer, or if a ther-

mometer is not available, a second sensor can be placed alongside the one to be 

tested and the readings compared.
First measure the temperature using the thermometer and then measure the resis-

tance of the sensor at the control. The wires from the sensor must not be connect-

ed to the control while the test is performed. Using the chart on the following page, 

estimate the temperature measured by the sensor. The sensor and thermometer 

readings should be close. If the test meter reads a very high resistance, there may 

be a broken wire, a poor wiring connection or a defective sensor. If the resistance 

is very low, the wiring may be shorted, there may be moisture in the sensor or the 

sensor may be defective. To test for a defective sensor, measure the resistance 

directly at the sensor location.
Do not apply voltage to a sensor at any time as damage to the sensor may result.

Wires from outdoor

sensor and sensor

common terminals on

Watts control

Sensor is built into

the enclosure

Slide cover

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