Closing Speed Needle Valve Adjustment: The closing speed needle
valve regulates fluid pressure into the main valve cover chamber,
controlling the valve closing speed. If valve closing is too slow, turn
the adjustment screw OUT, counterclockwise, increasing the rate of
closing (See Figure 3).
(If Installed) Opening Speed Flow Control Adjustment: The Opening
speed flow control allows free flow into the cover and restricted flow
out of the cover of the main valve. If valve opening is too slow, turn
the adjustment screw OUT, counterclockwise, increasing the rate
of opening. If valve opening is too quick, turn the adjustment screw
IN, clockwise, decreasing the rate of opening (See Figure 3).
Actuate the solenoid to close the main valve, checking that it
Counterclockwise to INCREASE
the rate of opening
Clockwise to DECREASE
rate of opening
Figure 3
Flow Control
4 IOM-ACV-116-32_6116-32 2115
EDP# 1917049
© 2021 Watts
IOM-ACV-116-32_6116-32 2115
EDP# 1917049
© 2021 Watts 5