Service Procedure
FEBCO backflow prevention assemblies are designed for ease of
maintenance, in-line service, and repair with standard tools. For
visual aid information, see the “Parts” section.
Suggested Tool Kit
• 1 crescent wrench
• 1 medium Phillips screw driver
• 1 medium standard screw driver
• Box/open end wrench
• Differential pressure test kit
1. Flush the line clean of debris before installation of the assembly.
The most common cause of check fouling is dirt and debris in the
seating areas.
To flush the line after installation of the assembly, slowly close the
inlet shutoff valve, remove the cover and spring assemblies of both
check valves, and open the inlet shutoff valve to allow sufficient
flow of water through the assembly to clear all sand, debris, and
other particles from the line. If debris in the water continues to
cause fouling, install a strainer upstream of the assembly if permitted
by local codes.
1st Check Module
2. Rinse all parts with clean water before reassembly.
3. Do not use pipe dope, oil, grease, or solvent on any part unless
instructed to do so. Use only food-grade petroleum jelly as a
lubricant where directed.
4. Carefully inspect seals and seating surfaces for damage or debris.
If the check valve seat disc has been severely cut at the seat ring
diameter, the assembly has been subjected to extremely high and
repeated backpressure. Either thermal water expansion or water
hammer are the most likely causes. If backpressure persists,
consider installation of a pressure relief valve downstream of
the assembly.
5. Use caution to avoid damaging any guiding surfaces while han-
dling parts. Do not force parts together. The O-ring seals used in
FEBCO assemblies require only a small tightening force to ensure
a positive seal.
6. Test the unit after servicing in accordance with locally approved
test methods to assure proper operation.
Test Cock No. 1
Test Cock No. 2
Test Cock No. 3
Test Cock No. 4
Note: Union end ball valves not shown.
2nd Check Module